Community Signs
There are moments in life where a call for action is necessity in a time of need. The call to action may be exercised in the smallest courtesy or the grandest gesture. Our community for some time has lost its presence in the northeast district due to our damaged community sign. It is our duty as community advocates to rise to the needs of our community on all fronts. While we address those needs of community safety, improved infrastructure, and viable environment conditions in and around Idlewood, we are asking for your monetary, political, and technical support to replace a community sign.
ICA would be grateful for your help to keep Idlewood an attractive, pleasant, and proud Baltimore community. With your support, we can see a much-needed improvement in our community that can instill faith and unity in Idlewood, give presence to surrounding businesses, and signify that Idlewood is truly an idol neighborhood in Baltimore City.

Thank you again for your donation to enhance the Idlewood experience!